
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ultimate Ski House at Red Mountain

The Ski House of the Day is a custom built home designed to be the "Ultimate Ski Lodge" in Rossland, British Columbia, near Red Mountain Ski Resort:

Massive log timbers are part of the structure inside and out, and are a stunning design feature that gives a distinctive mountain log-home feel to this house.  According to 'Live at Red' this five-bedroom home is 5,900 sq ft with custom features that make it a true one-of-a-kind ski house.   The combination of the giant wood timbers, stonework and interior wood finishes are beautiful;  and the abundant, warm lighting creates an inviting feeling in and around this house:

This stone fireplace is gorgeous, as are the sweeping mountain views beyond it:

Here's a gourmet kitchen worthy of anyone's apres-ski dream meal: thing that really caught my eye in this kitchen is the unique log-stool seating around the kitchen island:

I've used logs like these myself for seats, as well as tables, but only outside on my deck (maybe I'll have to consider removing the bark and rolling them into the kitchen for this kind of seating).  Anyway, I think that for a ski house in which log timbers are central to the structure and design, log seats like these are simply perfect stools in the kitchen!

According to Home and Design, the timbers used to build this house are an amazing 400 years old!  Check out those massive timbers that you can see throughout the kitchen (above) and the living room area (below) as well as upstairs (far below)...spectacular!

Also, (according to Homes and Design) the house is on the market for $2.25 million.

This ultimate ski house is located with direct access to the hiking/bike/cross-country trail network, and is also convenient to Red Mountain...which, by the way, is offering something special of its own tomorrow... Ski Free Day!  Although I've never been skiing at Red (yet) I've heard impressive things about it, and have read it described as unpretentious, uncrowded, and an undiscovered gem.  No matter if it's Red's last day of the season..."free" is still the ultimate lift ticket price, eh?  So to whomever might be enjoying this ultimate ski house right now...I hope they're also enjoying the ultimate lift ticket (price) too.

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