
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hot Tub for 16 at Warm Springs

Today I went to a Hot Tub Show in a large Expo Center not far from home.  It was, well, rather disappointing.  It turned out to be nothing more than one manufacturer's temporary showroom, with an overabundance of salespeople and not much else.  (It was like diving into a tank where the sharks were circling before we even hit the water).  On the return drive my mind drifted back to some of the fantastic hot tubs there are at many ski houses.  Sometimes the ski house is all about the hot tub, as is true with this one.  The Ski House of the Day is this Warm Springs Ski Home with private hot tub. While this Sun Valley house has many nice features, and is only a few minutes from the Warm Springs lift, here's the real thing about this ski has a hot tub for 16 people!

I think that's all I need to know about this ski house.

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