
Monday, January 23, 2012

Chinese Ski Villa at Yabuli

Since today is Chinese New Year, I wanted to find out what a ski house in China looks like.  The first thing I found out is that it is difficult to answer that question.  Whether there simply aren't many ski houses in China, or there simply is not much information available about them, I'm not sure.  In any event, in honor of Chinese New Year, the Ski House of the Day is the villa at Sun Mountain Yabuli, in China.  (For some opinions and sights of skiing Yabuli from a skier who's done it, check out global-gal's pics of Yabuli.).

While the interior of this ski house looks a bit minimalist for my taste, the gigantic windows are very nice; and its wide-open space makes the villa quite inviting.  The sleek (creatively polished?) photos of the villa from their website leave but one question remains in my mind...does this place actually exist, or is it an idea whose time has not yet come?

........Happy Chinese New Year!

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