
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Freestyle Ski House

It's that time of year when high school seniors are deciding what college to attend.  Many factors go into the decision...including where and with whom they will be living.  There's something in the works that could sway the decision for some Vermont-bound students next year.  The Ski House of the Day is one that actually doesn't exist...yet.  It is the Freestyle Ski House, at the University of Vermont (UVM) proposed for the 2016-17 school year.

Situated in Burlington, Vermont, UVM is in the heart of ski country and within an hour or two of some major New England skiing, such as Stowe, Jay Peak, Smuggs, and a whole lot more.  There's also Mount Tremblant and other international slopes just across the northern border.  In fact, The Ski Channel has named UVM one of the top ten US colleges for skiers. So, instead of a regular dorm, a house dedicated specifically for skiers is probably an easy sell to most college students who decide to go to UVM.

 According to one of the Program Directors,  UVM's The Freestyle Ski House  concept is a proposed living/learning environment for students who are interested in furthering their goals related to skiing. And  UVM's Living/Learning Center says the house is designed for students  "to progress their skills and knowledge of the sport."  But is this really just a My Kappa Pow frat house?  Maybe.  Or maybe it's a place for students to actually inspire ideas that intertwine skiing with academics... hey, how can we improve the safety engineering of that tele-binding?...Can we come up with some new app that could help keep us safe from severe weather threats?....We need to invent that new safety device, or something to improve first-aid out on the slopes?...or, what about the business aspects of snow-making efficiency...maybe there's a better way?.....Or, we're going to have to be the ones to put an end to global warming before it puts an end to our sport!   Hopefully this is the kind of conversation that might be sparked in the living room of the proposed Freestyle Ski House, and if so, I'd say....skiers:  make first tracks to get there!  And please, send me some pictures of the house when you do!